Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Fiction Novel Deals With Justice, Revenge, & Casey Anthony

      With two very different books (aimed at very different age groups) coming out in the same week, I'm sure my blogs seem to be bordering on the bi-polar. Even so, I've decided to jump on the softcover see-saw tonight and tell you about my supplementary narrative anyway.
      My second novel is titled ROCKING HORSES PAINTED RED and is a story about revenge told in a macabre/dark comedy sort of way (there goes my bi-polarality again.)
      And although RHPR has absolutely NOTHING to do with Casey Anthony, it was her acquittal (just a year ago this week) that set the wheels in motion for my tale of righteous indignation.
      I was as dumbfounded as the rest of my fellow Floridians when last July 5th's verdict was read, but instead of feeling hopelessly malcontent, I decided to compose a bit of fantasy justice.
      And I do mean "fantasy" - nothing more!!!!!
      So....I threw on the "Where's Caylee" T-shirt I'd been given by Grandpa George at a Sunday Meet 'N Greet and locked myself away in the attic with my typewriter. Ok, it was in my study using the computer's keyboard, but I was still riled.
      What developed was ROCKING HORSES PAINTED RED, a sinister little story about a young woman who, over the course of two decades, takes revenge on not only the jury, but also the criminal defense attorney who allowed her sister's killer to walk free. And as the jacket blurb affirms, "Revenge can come wrapped in a variety of packages."
      Now, as I said, I'd never advocate retaliating against a perceived miscarriage of justice in any way, BUT...if a tirade against a certain defense attorney and his client will make you feel better, then flip to Chapter 9 for a brief rant that begins....
     "Breaking News - Casey Anthony Acquitted! The ugly black words kept crawling across the bottom of the pub's TV screen like bristling tarantulas scrambling across the highway before a thunderstorm. Never before had some monkey from the Attorney Zoo thrown so much shit against the wall and had it all stick."

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