Sunday, May 22, 2011

ZIA finally available in print!

ZIA became available earlier this week in a paperback version exclusively through for $11.99.  An abridged interview I did with for the book's release can be found at  If you enjoy romantic young adult sci-fi/fantasy, please check out ZIA!


  1. This made my day. I will certainly read this wonderful piece of fiction soon. I myself have spent nearly two years writing a story featuring an Asian American teenager in a YA thriller. It's so courageous to see non-Asian writers stepping out and taking risks like this. You don't see this kind of diversity in the writing world. Perhaps this will be a start of something new? Hope so! I wish you the best luck. And now, I'm going to go back to my writing folders and push on with this old novel. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Thanks Bri! I was certainly inspired by my teen daughter & her friends' love of K-Pop. I believe they are part of a growing sub-culture waiting to be unleashed. Please tell all your friends to read ZIA (and keep it in Amazon's YA Sci-fi/Futuristic Fantasy Top 100.) It's time for western females to discover an often overlooked American sex symbol, and good luck with your novel!!
